2018, John Sterman, System dynamics at sixty: the path forward
Business Dynamics
Title: Business Dynamics: Systems Thinking and Modeling for a Complex World
Author: John D. Sterman
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Higher Education
First Published: 2000
Title: Business Dynamics: Systems Thinking and Modeling for a Complex World
Author: John D. Sterman
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Higher Education
First Published: 2000
1992, Jay Forrester, Policies, Decisions and Information Sources for Modeling The feedback view of management and policy Nature of the decision process Policy Detecting guiding
Title: The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization
Author: Peter M. Senge
Publisher: Doubleday
First Published: 1990
Current Edition: 2006
19۹۳, Barry Richmond, Systems Thinking: Critical Thinking Skills for 1990 and beyond the evolution of the education system educational process thinking paradigm learning tools transferring
2010, Ali N. Mashayekhi, Soheil Ghili, System dynamics problem definition as an evolutionary process using the concept of ambiguity The Concept of Ambiguity The Role
1985, Jay W. Forrester, “The” Model Versus a Modeling “Process” Emphasis on “The” Model is Unrealistic and Alarming Published Models are only a snapshot in
2018, John Sterman, System dynamics at sixty: the path forward