1996, George P. Richardson, Problems for the future of system dynamics
پویایی شناسی سیستمها: دیدگاه سیستمی
عنوان: پویایی شناسی سیستمها: دیدگاه سیستمی
نویسنده: علینقی مشایخی
ناشر: آریانا قلم
تاریخ نشر: ۱۳۹۶
عنوان: پویایی شناسی سیستمها: دیدگاه سیستمی
نویسنده: علینقی مشایخی
ناشر: آریانا قلم
تاریخ نشر: ۱۳۹۶
1992, Jay W. Forrester, System Dynamics, Systems Thinking, and Soft OR System Dynamics Steps Systems thinking and soft OR Case studies Soft operations research Systems
Title: Business Dynamics: Systems Thinking and Modeling for a Complex World
Author: John D. Sterman
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Higher Education
First Published: 2000
1997, D.F. Andersen, G.P. Richardson, Scripts for Group Model Building Planning for the Modeling Conference Goal Setting/Managing the Scope of Work Logistics Types of Group
1995, G.P. Richardson, D.F. Andersen, Teamwork in Group Model Building Initial Modeling Motivation Five Roles in Group Model Building Facilitator Modeler/Reflector Process Coach Recorder GateKeeper
2010, Ali N. Mashayekhi, Soheil Ghili, System dynamics problem definition as an evolutionary process using the concept of ambiguity The Concept of Ambiguity The Role
1996, George P. Richardson, Problems for the future of system dynamics