“The” Model Versus a Modeling “Process”

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1985, Jay W. Forrester, “The” Model Versus a Modeling “Process”

  • Emphasis on “The” Model is Unrealistic and Alarming
  • Published Models are only a snapshot in time from a continuously evolving set of ideas about a social system.
  • The Models are always in a continuous state of evolution.
  • Each question, each reaction, each new input of information, and each difficulty in explaining the models leads to modification, clarification, and extention.
  • We are proposing the “Process” of Modeling rather than particular frozen and final models.
    • Models will help to clarify our processes of thought
    • Make explicit the assumptions we are already making
    • Show the consequences of the assumptions
    • As our understanding, our assumptions, and our goals change, the models can change.
  • For real life implementation, we can expect that there will be a series of models simultaneously existing and simultaneously in evolution.
  • Process of Modeling as a continuing companion to, and tool for, the improvement of judgment and human decision making

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