1985, Jay W. Forrester, “The” Model Versus a Modeling “Process”
- Emphasis on “The” Model is Unrealistic and Alarming
- Published Models are only a snapshot in time from a continuously evolving set of ideas about a social system.
- The Models are always in a continuous state of evolution.
- Each question, each reaction, each new input of information, and each difficulty in explaining the models leads to modification, clarification, and extention.
We are proposing the “Process” of Modeling rather than particular frozen and final models.
- Models will help to clarify our processes of thought
- Make explicit the assumptions we are already making
- Show the consequences of the assumptions
- As our understanding, our assumptions, and our goals change, the models can change.
- For real life implementation, we can expect that there will be a series of models simultaneously existing and simultaneously in evolution.
- Process of Modeling as a continuing companion to, and tool for, the improvement of judgment and human decision making