1989, Jay W. Forrester, The Beginning of System Dynamics
1991, Jay W. Forrester, System dynamics and the lessons of 35 years
1992, Jay W. Forrester, System Dynamics, Systems Thinking, and Soft OR
1994, Barry Richmond, System Dynamics/Systems Thinking: Let's Just Get On With It
1996, George P. Richardson, Problems for the future of system dynamics
2007, Jay W. Forrester, System dynamics—the next fifty years
2018, John Sterman, System dynamics at sixty: the path forward
1989, Jay W. Forrester, The Beginning of System Dynamics
1991, Jay W. Forrester, System dynamics and the lessons of 35 years
Designing Managerial and Social Systems
A New Kind of Management Education
Modeling for What Purpose?
Unifying Knowledge
Enhancing Mental Models
Small Models Versus Large Models
The System Dynamics Paradigm
Endogenous Behavior
Sources of Information
Learning From Models
Surprise Discoveries
General Characteristics of Systems
System Dynamics and Public Responses
A New Basis For Pre-College Education
- Unifying Knowledge
- Enhancing Mental Models
- Small Models Versus Large Models
- Endogenous Behavior
- Sources of Information
- Surprise Discoveries
- General Characteristics of Systems
1992, Jay W. Forrester, System Dynamics, Systems Thinking, and Soft OR
System Dynamics Steps
Systems thinking and soft OR
Case studies
Soft operations research
Systems Thinking
System dynamics, conceptualization phase—theory creation
- Case studies
- Soft operations research
- Systems Thinking
1994, Barry Richmond, System Dynamics/Systems Thinking: Let's Just Get On With It
Forrester's View of System Dynamics and Systems Thinking
Richmond View of System Dynamics and Systems Thinking
Problems with the term "System Dynamics"
Systems Thinking: A Paradigm and a Learning Method
The importance of "Operational Thinking"
Care required in teaching:
Causal Loop Diagrams
Systems Archetypes
The challenges to disseminating System Thinking
- Causal Loop Diagrams
- Systems Archetypes
1996, George P. Richardson, Problems for the future of system dynamics
Understanding model behavior
Accumulating wise practice
Advancing practice
Accumulating results
Making models accessible
Qualitative mapping and formal modeling
Widening the base
Confidence and validation
2007, Jay W. Forrester, System dynamics—the next fifty years
The past 50 years
The present
Impact on government
Focusing on high-leverage policies
Quality of work in system dynamics
The next 50 years
The promoters
Public understanding and support
- Impact on government
- Focusing on high-leverage policies
- Quality of work in system dynamics
- The promoters
- Public understanding and support
2018, John Sterman, System dynamics at sixty: the path forward
The Challenges of System Dynamics Field
Jay W. Forrester: A Bold Innovator
Model architecture: compartments, agents and networks
Evidence-based modeling: qualitative and quantitative data
Parameter estimation and model analysis
Rigor or rigor mortis?
The path ahead
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- مدل اپیدمی به عنوان یکی از مدلهای پایه، با تغییرات کوچکی میتواند به مدلهای دیگری تبدیل شود.
- یکی از مدلهایی که بر پایه مدل اپیدمی میتواند ساخته شود، مدل انتشار تکنولوژی است.
- پاسخ به این سوالات میتواند به طراحی مدل کمک کند:
- چه عواملی بر انتشار یک تکنولوژی اثر گذار هستند؟
- پیش از هر چیز، باید یک جامعه هدف برای تکنولوژی وجود داشته باشد.
- این جامعه هدف چه کسری از جامعه هستند؟
- چه روشهایی برای معرفی این تکنولوژی به جامعه وجود دارد؟
- افرادی که در حال استفاده از این تکنولوژی هستند، چه اثری بر جذب افراد دیگر خواهند داشت؟
- ساختار طراحی شده در این مدل، در چه موارد دیگری میتواند کاربرد داشته باشد؟